Become part of a workplace symbiosis.

Play scientifically validated games and find the right company for your work-life.

INSYMBO strives to create a symbiosis in the workplace with the use of neuroscience-based games, data science, and AI. We don’t want just companies to benefit from using our solutions, but you as well. We aspire to find the right match between companies and candidates because if companies and individuals thrive, society thrives as well.

cognitive and soft abilities

Focus on your abilities.

Let employers evaluate you according to your potential. INSYMBO eliminates bias in candidate selection with the use of neuroscience-based games and evaluation algorithms. This helps companies find out if you are the right fit for them according to the abilities they need. In turn, this helps you find the right company for your work-life.

See how it works

Games, no questionnaires.

Play games, don’t fill yet another questionnaire to find out whether you are the right fit for a company. Our games have been used in neuroscience research for decades and objectively evaluate abilities employees use to solve real-world situations.

See how it works
Play neuroscience-based games

Fair conditions for all candidates.

The games objectively assess abilities that are important for individual roles in a company. They are fair to all candidates and don’t disadvantage those who come from different cultural, economic, or educational backgrounds. You and all the other candidates have the same conditions.

See the science behind
Fair neuroscience-based games

Learn something new about yourself.

There is still something new you can find out about yourself. After you finish all our games, you will receive a personal report with your unique results. The results are not fixed. Your brain is plastic, so if you don’t like something, you can work on it and change it.

Get a personal report

What to expect from INSYMBO.

Neuroscience-based games

Play 10 short games.

INSYMBO candidate assessment consists of 10 short games. The games assess your abilities, not something you learned at school, so don’t worry.

Play whenever

Play whenever you want.

The whole experience takes approximately 25 minutes. However, you don't have to finish all the games at once.

Get a unique report

Get your unique report.

Get your unique report with over 30 cognitive and non-cognitive (soft) abilities and learn something new about yourself.